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Donate/Associate Membership

Supporting NvACD is a great way to make a difference in the future of sustainable conservation efforts in Nevada.

Any donation amount, big or small, is beneficial to the goals we strive to achieve.
Your support is sincerely appreciated.

NvACD is a 501(c)(3) as determined by the IRS. All donations are tax-deductible.

Donation Options
General Fund Donation
A general fund donation supports all efforts put forth by NvACD.

Scholarship Fund Donation

NvACD awards an annual scholarship to students pursuing an education in agriculture, renewable natural resources, or a related field. The NvACD Scholarship Fund is supported through donations and an annual scholarship auction. We feel this is a worthwhile endeavor by encouraging students to graduate within the fields that benefit conservation districts’ efforts.

Associate Membership

By becoming an Associate Member, you help support the 28 conservation districts in Nevada. Through your contribution, you will help NvACD to better support the Nevada CDs with: CD supervisor training, Statewide networking and advocacy, grant opportunity communications, informative annual meetings, CD Day at the Nevada Legislature, Resource Needs Assessments, legislative tracking and advocacy, insurance, coordination with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), and educational scholarships.

If you wish to make a donation via check, please send your contribution to:

c/o Adriane Tibbitts, Treasurer
P.O. Box 571
Eureka, NV 89316

*or call Adriane at (208) 241-4307 to contribute over the phone.